What Is Facelift Recovery Like?

A facelift is a surgical procedure used to make people look younger. It’s the best way to treat multiple signs of aging from the neck to the forehead. Facelifts are extremely popular among individuals in their 50s and 60s and are well-known for showing great results up to 10 years or more after surgery.
The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia with sedation, as it is quite an extensive procedure. During the facelift, facial muscles and connective tissues are repositioned, excess skin is trimmed off, and the incisions are sealed using stitches, staples, or tissue glue to promote healing.
If you are considering coming in for a facelift, it’s vital that you understand the post-surgical recovery process. The success rate of your facelift surgery depends on how well you take care of yourself during your recovery. Educating yourself on the do’s and don’ts will allow you to heal properly, ensuring a speedy recovery.
Recovering from a Facelift
Dr. Espinosa will advise you on the necessary precautionary measures to take during the recovery period. Make sure to follow these post-surgical care instructions carefully. Here is what the recovery may look like for you:
• The first seven days after your facelift will require a good amount of rest. You will experience a degree of swelling and pain, so Dr. Espinosa will prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort.
• After the first two days, you should be able to move around the house and do light housework; this is an important aspect of the healing process, as light exercise will promote blood circulation, which will in turn promote a faster recovery.
• The second week after your facelift is when you may begin to notice significant signs of healing and progress. The swelling and bruising will begin to fade, and facial pain will also be reduced. Some patients experience side-effects such as burning, tingling, and numbness, but keep in mind that this is natural and is nothing to worry about.
• Although you may begin to feel more energetic and active during the second week after your facelift, strenuous activity is not advised during this period. Light activity is highly recommended, as it will continue to help heal your incisions and make you feel better and more productive.
• The third week after your facelift, you will notice the swelling and incisions fading even more. You may experience isolated swelling and redness around your incisions as they are beginning to heal. If you feel insecure about the appearance of your face during the healing process, there are multiple make-up options out there that may help hide the swelling and redness.
• Around the third week, you may begin working and going out more often and exercising, as long as you do not overexert yourself.
• One month after the facelift, you will feel recovered and back to normal. Slight swelling may still be present.
Get Started with the Facelift Process
Now that you’ve learned more about facelift recovery, it’s time to contact us and arrange a consultation with Dr. Nashielli Espinosa, a reconstructive plastic surgeon. During this consultation, you will be able to ask questions and discuss your aesthetic goals.